Goal Setting Training

The most important element in the Performance Management Process

The Talent Strategy Group uses a combination of science and simplicity to bring clients the best Goal Setting Training possible


  • Goals should be: Focused, Prioritized, and Simple
  • Better Goals: Produce higher performance, Create focus, and Drive development
  • Implemented Goals: Meaningfully contribute to the company’s success


  • Clarity of expectations is the single biggest contributor to high individual performance
  • Only 7% of employees fully understand their company’s business strategies and what’s expected of them to help achieve company goals
  • Only 60% of employees know what is expected of them on a day-to-day basis

Sample Agenda

  • Learn the science behind goal setting
  • Align goals with organizational needs
  • Practice setting better, simpler goals

We’re designing new trainings all the time – let us know what you want to work on!