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HR Organization Design and Operating Model

We go beyond organization structure and solve how HR works together to deliver superior outcomes.

What we do

It’s important to create an efficient HR organization design with rich jobs and a logical structure. But stopping there ignores the primary reason that HR groups fail to deliver outstanding results.  We take a holistic approach to HR organization and operating model design, integrating the structural, operational and individual into a HR department that delivers exceptional results.

Our Approach

We will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the structure and operations of your HR organization. We will listen to the voice of your customers and your HR team to understand needs and capabilities. We will apply our deep, unique insights to provide thorough and detailed conclusions and recommendations to optimize your HR organization.

We will assess your HR organization design using proprietary benchmarks and practical experience. We believe in an incredibly efficient and empowered service center, lean and deep centers of expertise and highly consultative HR business partners. 

We will map key responsibilities to an operational level of detail to ensure that HR doesn’t get in the way of HR. This “wiring” of HR is what allows an HR organization to sustain high performance over time.

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