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Human Resources and Talent Strategy

We create focused, prioritized & ready to implement HR and talent strategies derived directly from your business strategy.

What we do

Our HR and talent strategy design process produces a fully developed strategy and plan for execution. Most importantly, that strategy focuses on delivering the most consequential people outcomes to your organization. The result is a 3-year plan that describes what will be accomplished, how it will be executed, what resources will be required, the metrics that will assess success and how you’ll ensure that the strategy outcomes are delivered.

Our Approach

Our intensive two-day process brings your team and our team together for a tightly facilitated discussion about priorities, tactics, resources and more. The result is a draft HR or talent strategy that is shared with the business for input, then finalized. This process radically shortens the time required to produce a focused strategic plan for your function.

We can also create your strategy through a more intensive process that includes a business strategy review, listening within the business, assessment of HR practices and budget and other steps to help guide our creation of your HR strategy. This approach is ideal when you prefer a fully objective and independent HR strategy creation process or cannot dedicate staff time to participate.

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