Archive for Article

It’s Not About the Boxes: The 9-box Grid and What Really Matters

“A bad carpenter blames his tools”   The talent review is a well-accepted and increasingly common element of how organizations manage talent. They see the value in understanding an individual’s potential to advance and using that information to better plan for succession. Which tool should guide that discussion,…

How to Crush Bias in Performance Management

It’s unfortunately still fashionable to sell companies bias training to help their leaders reduce bias in performance management. While the intentions of these efforts are admirable, the research is clear that anti-bias training rarely has a lasting effect. Science shows that it doesn’t provoke a long-term change in…

How to Create a Talent Strategy

It’s surprising that so many organizations – even the larger and more sophisticated ones – still lack a well-designed talent strategy. By well designed, we mean a strategy that tightly flows from the business strategy, is clear about the talent team’s three or four big promises/deliverables, spans at least three years, and is specific enough to explain the activities and investment needed. Here how to do that.

Potential After the Pandemic

Should you change your definition of potential given the workplace changes after the pandemic? While the intuitive answer to that question after two years of turmoil would seem to be “yes,” the facts about potential guide us to a more nuanced conclusion.

Becoming a Talent6 Leader: The 6 Differentiators of Talent-building Leaders

Your leaders are your most powerful builders of talent. So why aren’t you using them that way?

The CEO’s Three Questions About Talent

The CEO was visibly frustrated just a few minutes into the CHRO’s presentation.
“I’m sorry, but I’m confused” she said. “This feels like the 10th different process that HR has asked our teams to absorb just this year. Why this one now?”

Life After the Competency Model

Few human resource tools promise as much and deliver as little as the typical leadership competency model. These models exist in a world of contradictions – simultaneously being specific but generic, ambitious but uninspiring, academically perfect but practically flawed.

Why ‘Meets Expectations’ Never Does:
A Conversation Guide for Managers

There’s no good way to dress up the dreaded middle rating and no way to convince anyone that being “average” is absolutely fine. If you have these conversations coming up, here are a few practical ideas to make them easier and more productive.

5 Reasons to Eliminate the Self-Review

As companies worldwide strive to optimize performance management, they often overlook a change that would simplify the process, build trust and increase accountability. They can eliminate the self-review.

The employee self-review continues to exist more due to benign corporate neglect than to conscious inclusion in the assessment process. Its presence can introduce bias, give cover to poor managers and create unrealistic expectations in employees.

The CHRO’s Team:
What Matters Most

Even CHROs who have aggressively upgraded other elements of their organization have hesitated to make the often-obvious talent changes needed in their direct reports. We tell you how to ensure you shape your team for incredible results.