Archive for Article

The CHRO’s Team:
What Matters Most

Even CHROs who have aggressively upgraded other elements of their organization have hesitated to make the often-obvious talent changes needed in their direct reports. We tell you how to ensure you shape your team for incredible results.

Be Transparent Now

Transparency about performance and potential remains an incredibly important topic with our clients around the globe. Yet, we find that the frequency of our client discussions about the topic is not correlated with a meaningful increase in transparency. We provide you with direct advice about how to move towards a more transparent organization.

Does Growth Mindset Work?

If you believe that having a growth mindset means that if you try harder you can accomplish more, you don’t need to read this article. We agree and the science in areas from self-efficacy to goal setting to motivation supports that exerting more effort often leads to better results. However, if you believe that growth mindset means that different outcomes in life will occur if someone has a Fixed Mindset or a Growth Mindset, or that it’s possible to increase one’s intelligence or change one’s personality, please keep reading.

What’s your Talent Philosophy?

It’s the missing foundation of talent management in most companies. Does your executive team agree about the best way to manage talent to achieve your business strategy? How do you know?

The Work Smart, not Hard, Lie

(This article was originally published in Entrepreneur magazine in 2019)   There’s an insidious set of forces working against your being a high performer. It’s not your jerk of a boss, the local cantina that starts happy hour at 2 p.m. or your inexplicably slow wireless connection. It’s…

How to Manage Performance Management Post-Pandemic

After the most challenging four months for business in a century, many companies can start to focus their attention more than a few days in the future. This turn towards normalcy raises questions about how to manage and reward performance in such an unprecedented year. We suggest that there are no clear rules but that there is a logical approach that can guide how to best (re)-set goals and fairly evaluate at the end of the performance cycle.

The CHRO’s Talent Plan
for the Recovery

It’s understandable that HR’s recent focus has been on employee safety and security. The function has responded admirably to unprecedented demands and unforeseen challenges. As we see the global situation starting to turn, it’s important to refocus our efforts on helping our companies to win through talent.

Six Steps to Great Talent Reviews

Our experience conducting hundreds of talent reviews and building the process for complex global companies shows us that six factors create a successful talent review. We believe that it’s less about the tool and more about the process.

It’s the Mortar, not the Bricks: The State of HR Organization Design & How to Bring Your HR Structure to Life

The secrets behind HR success lie beneath the organization design. How you bring that structure to life, through the people within it, will differentiate your success far more than the design ever can.

Rethinking Potential: Should We Search for Hidden Gems, Shy-Po’s and Repressed Performers?

There may be high potentials in our midst who have been passed-over in our talent review processes because they don’t meet the conventional definition of potential or because the process didn’t work as it was designed. Are there hidden gems in your organization and, if so, how can you find them?